Saturday, December 26, 2009

Replacing White Rodgers With Hunter

2010-GREETINGS work together for it to be another year.

Congratulations to all of another year, what is about to begin will be a year that will see us away from usual logic and we will be committed to a better life . Maybe it will be a
utopian thinking but I like to think that another world is possible.
To wish a new year just around the corner, I wanted to give you a short video of thanks and encouragement.

Many good wishes.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Waxing For Plus Size Women

scream, returns after nearly a month off

Someone suggested that the pause could be strategic, because there was almost nothing left to say, and instead is just the opposite, I felt a moment of fermamrmi to be done to accurately assess and analyze this year's work .
I must confess that this period of detention has made me better understand the various strengths and weaknesses of the project, the first socialnetworking as an element of diffusion, it works fine, but qualitatively exceeds granlunga myspace facebook. In the first I've evaluated a number of contacts and high quality responses, as opposed to face book, where speed and large amount of contacts highly detrimental to the quality answers. "... the general public and high speed are the enemy of thought." (Zygmunt Bauman). The root
connected to art as an element of protest was immediately seized upon by the public myspace, facebook and many users ignore it, ignore as all the texts that exceed the three rows, why? What is happening, because even in social networks is spreading the logic of disengagement?
The general public tends to unite only on issues that already boasts initiated by the media, while struggling to take on new issues, or at least suspected such, it opens so I would call a disturbing scenario, where we see more and more increase in the logic of issues due to media overexposure. As he wrote
Giovanni Sartori in his Homo Videns, "Now more than ever people have problems but not solving problems." and it is obvious that the issues on the table puts the television, it then skillfully not give the answers, leaving it open.
This creates a state of stress and anxiety that affect everyday life.
Now the question is how to at least give us the answers to our five points, the questions we posed.
I think it is correct, and this will be the focus in the project, increasing contact with each individual who will, through daily newsletter. Each newsletter will be placed
the blog, and everyone can attend and give an answer.
Everything will be disseminated on a daily basis socialnetworks, using them only as word of mouth.
must be resumed contact with the artists, providing them with visibility into the project thinking about the creation of a publication.
will be increased pressure on the editorial boards of newspapers, both printed and online.
The objective will be to try to increase the awareness of people, helping them to awaken from its torpor, and lead it to interact, comment on what happens.
will not be easy, but it has never been, we're working on a project that we always knew from the first minute.

in the picture the artist's work Orodè Deoro