Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can I Use Regular Woolite In A He Machine

Hello Mom did you see? One at a time ...
now also
Sandra 's just a matter of time.
Now I'm here to talk
without realizing that there are no longer physically
why you always feel close to me even when I disagree I feel

It was a time when it took was a simple
look, your stern look
here also that I miss you!

I love you mom.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

V. Bernardelli-gardone Model 60 Parts

Hello mamy
today the sun is absent
I miss you I miss you little
I'm alone and my thoughts I thought I knew
are crazy you think I know how to do ;
to help me ...
you're already doing
more. I do not understand 'all that difficult!
I love you mom

Friday, September 3, 2010

Best Filling Sofa Cushions


tomorrow is the big day! How are we going? It 's so excited, do not eat yesterday, asleep from exhaustion.
But that emotion ... I do not know what I would give to follow without that she did not see me, to hear his comments, to see the wonder in his eyes when he comes! I know it's good, but the gap is always difficult, I do not ever get used to it! Guard it and see that everything goes well. He can return to feeling happy and can benefit from this experience. I love you mom.