we blog ... and you? Poems
Besides this blog, the cooperative R Group also manages the newspaper "stories", which, unlike "Thoughts Without a Roof" is not a real own street paper, but is distributed within the parishes and in some social cooperatives.
They asked us to introduce ourselves and this is the article which will be released in a short "stories" ....
(soon to be added to the link of the newspaper)
E 'now for some months that the volunteers of the Day Centre "La Bussola" were working to create a blog and here, finally, a couple of weeks ago was offered to guests of the Centre Daily: After the first doubts, concerns and questions, we began to build with them (in the true sense of the word) our Blog "Stories Without Roof."
The blog is managed by the Group R, but there is also taking part Cosep, publishing a quarterly "Thoughts Without a Roof", the newsletter of the road run by volunteers Asylum Night.
But what is this blog?
This question has been asked over and over again ... the word that seems so complicated, hides, in reality, a very simple meaning.
The blog is a website where you can publish articles, polls suggest, add videos and personal pictures, parties, or that represent something about us.
E 'an instrument to give voice to those who do not usually listen to, but not only! The peculiarity lies in the fact that visitors can comment on our articles included (the "post" using the jargon) so that there can be a real interaction between those who create and those who read the blog.
"Stories homeless want to be, then, a window on the world of" The Compass ", a space to share with you the life that each of us carries the day care center, problems, difficulties, but also joys and smiles everyday.
not an area of \u200b\u200bcriticism, intolerance or confrontation, but sharing our thoughts and reflections in an atmosphere of serenity, a place, therefore, to tell us, but also to tell you! We expect many
for blogging together!
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