Sunday, June 8, 2008

Aiptek Action Hd Gvs Kodak Zi8

to street life by 2015?

"In December 2007, five MEPs belonging to as many political groups have submitted the proposal to the European Parliament adopted a written declaration that commits the European Commission and Member States to put an end to street homelessness by 2015, the condition that forces tens of thousands of people in Italy and Europe to live down the street without concrete alternatives for social inclusion. According to the European parliament the lack of adequate housing conditions and services that meet basic needs of these people is an unacceptable situation.

The Commission is also asked to develop a European definition of homelessness, gather comparable and reliable data at European level, to produce an annual update of activities conducted by Member States to combat fenomeno.La search for solutions to the problem of homeless through elements of "active inclusion" is an EU priority in the European strategy for inclusion and social protection, said the European parliament, noting that access to housing is a fundamental right and a roof for the homeless as a first step towards adequate housing solutions and sustainable for people in extreme poverty and social exclusion "

Will they ???.. We hope!


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