Steve Jobs, Apple creator of the myth, like genes or divide people into idiots.
I think it is difficult to categorize, but often watching what is happening on the web, broadcast on TV news is unequivocally that of idiots there are many.
Maybe I'm certainly the first idiot on this earth that I lose my days to spread the word that no one will read. To invite people to scream his disappointment, his discomfort, compared with what happens.
You are an idiot because I did not understand that people have thrown in the towel, which is not motivated to think, which is losing the habit. I'm an idiot because with my ideas stupid risk to starve my family, to lose the few friends I have. I'm an idiot because I could keep doing the consultant yes men. I'm an idiot today because the genes are others, those who go around with a bundle of money in your pocket and do not care about others. I'm an idiot because I love art and I believe that only art can save us from disaster, because the artists are idiots (I do not want), because they believe in me as an ideal. I'm an idiot because I have a vision of the future different from the others, I'm an idiot because I foresee dark days for freedom for creativity.
'm an idiot because I flatter myself that there might be someone who can marry my cause and support this project financially. I'm an idiot because of my ideas because I had to leave a central studio looking, beautifully decorated and elegant way to work in a building full of dust from renovation of estte hot and cold in winter. I'm an idiot because I believe that doing well others will notice, but instead it is not.
People do not realize what happens, not law, is distracted. People love successful people, the famous, the genes were saying. People do not like the creativity, believes that the decree is a time consuming, not to be creative and work, and play.
'm an idiot because I always put before personal relationships in business, convinced that they were accordingly. I'm an idiot because I've always said it like it is and I have never, unlike many others, spoke from behind. I'm an idiot because I do not like to submit to the politicians, their boasting and their arrogance. I'm an idiot because I try to educate their children with ideals in the hope that it will take away of trouble. Genes
always say to children, defend them against the teachers and teach them that school is useless. I'm an idiot because every day I spend most of my time writing silly things in contrast to the genes as they move gain. I'm an idiot because I bother with useless theories on marketing and economics. The genes are adapted to the excessive power of corporations to their pollution, convinced that nothing will change.
's why I'm an idiot and you do not waste time to read and spread this post, because genes do not waste time with rubbish behind these phone calls have already won the day, while I still dream that someone can tell me why you are an idiot like you.
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