scream is a protest movement born from a project that has as its starting point the recovery of the centrality of the individual, the centrality denied by the evolution of trends established reference models are exclusively connected relationship and the needs of the masses. You should be aware that these requirements are for the ground first, before any interest and individual need and Lifestyle not approved, the individual does not comply can lead to isolation in the workplace, at school, in newspapers social relations.
The consequences of this isolation, sometimes even wanted, but imposed by the system, substantially weigh on the most vulnerable: children, elderly, immigrants, persons not financially independent, which impact the daily lives of so-called "normal", which without even realizing it, are robbed of their autonomy in operating any kind of choice. The project aims to restore the individual to scream to be master of himself and gain his freedom of action away from the stereotypes imposed by the mass media.
We do not need to be appealing to the masses , we would like regain that freedom for the individual is to go back to think for themselves, to live a better relationship with others, with their children. Scream intends to build a location where people can break the rules, cooperate with each other until they scream individuality
"I am free and scream!".
To disseminate the project I called upon the artists, that are normally difficult and a dimension of individuality, if they meet with their works in royalties qualitatively interesting, are flattened, massified.
I asked them to perform the work to accompany constantly the whole operation.
The artists have responded with enthusiasm, producing some fine works, which have proved a good vehicle of communication.
It is noteworthy that the promotion is to use social networking that has a key role and allowed me to obtain excellent results.
Networks like Facebook, MySpace, communicate constantly with the development of the project to thousands of users interacting with each other, enriching the content.
The 5 key elements of scream
1) reappropriation a means of mass communication such as television , that is no longer dominated by advertising and plays at all costs. It will have to respond responsibly to the tasks of information and training, returning to producing quality programs that can educate, inform and not just entertain.
2) Return to a communication that is more related to art and sensitivity . The communication in the hands of the so-called "advanced graphics" has damaged the media that contain messages encouraging the spread of questionable quality, encouraging the spread of bad social models focused exclusively on the rampant consumerism and hedonism of mass diffusion, leading to root of the phenomenon that "totalitarianism of the brand." Must return, as before, to the statement by the artistic content where the quality and sensitivity to lead and not just the product. The communication, in addition to the content needed to sell, could deal with issues of socially useful and thus achieve the multiple purposes.
3) Return to developing the autonomy of thought. Today, people no longer think, merely to "see and comment" as a Talk Show. The gossip has taken the place of confrontation of ideas. The outcome of all this is a society "not thinking". The culture and the arts help people to think and to look beneath the superficial part. It should be back to ask the fundamental questions that have accompanied the evolution of mankind: "Who am I? From where I come from and why? What is the purpose of my life? "We must reject the logic of consumption then exist." A man who thinks he is far less controllable, easily induced to fall into the pitfalls of communication.
4) before the knowledge opinion. The television, regarded as "bad teacher" by Karl Popper as well as damage unequivocal already reported in the 70's by Pasolini, as the cause of the "anthropological mutation," tries to convince us that the view is important and necessary, it is the basis of everything. Wrong! E 'knowledge that helps us to do it just because it is based on scientific, philosophical, does not lead us into error, but because personal opinion is fallible. For this reason, the media influence the masses with reference to the signs of the famous "opinion leaders" and to strengthen these views use of surveys, cleverly used as instrument of detection, but of conviction.
5) Resizing marketing . Today, marketing has proved, in its application and disaster. Born with the task of identifying market needs and to help the company to meet those needs, creating a more ethical market, close to the real needs of the consumer, has proved a deadly weapon in a position to influence their choices. Instead of meeting the needs, the marketing has influenced and continues to influence the market up to create real needs exist, as I said already in the 70 Pasolini pointed the finger saying that the changes in fashions and desires of the community were decided before the boards of directors of television networks and then fixed in the minds of viewers with subliminal messages and advertising. Today, something has changed, the marketing has helped the television as lifting it from one task to decide, because the choices are made by marketing managers and broadcasters to do is put on the air for a fee. The total degeneration has occurred when the companies themselves have become slaves of the mechanism, which can no longer escape, otherwise the drop in sales. All this has created a market in the grip of constant pressure from businesses, through spot purchases and exorbitant cost of space, where of course the entire burden of the operation is downloaded to the consumer that pays him at the time of purchase. With this project, I urge the resumption of space that the individual responsible, where art and culture necessarily have a critical role in our lives and where the conduct is induced by a free-thinking and choices are not influenced by any thing. The network, our ally in this area is playing a key role, not only helps the dissemination of thought, but increased and allows comparison. The project is not closed, even wide open to any contribution to the Open Software Source.Un like a dream?
Who knows, we're trying to make it a reality and we are already many.
GioiaDomenico Domenico Gioia is the curator of cultural operations and encourages artistic projects for social unrest.
facebook - domenicogioia
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