Did you know that ................
If you scream for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, produrrestiabbastanza sound energy to heat one cup of coffee '. (Hardly seems worth it).
If you constantly produce flatulence for 6 years 9 months, enough gas is produced to energiaequivalente to that of an atomic bomb. (Now that's more 'sense).
a pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (In my next life I want to be a pig.) (How did they find out, and WHY '?).
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour sononecessarie. (I can not let go of that thing of pigs)
Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (E ' why Flipper always smiling?) (And pigs have orgasms mezzo'ora? does not seem right).
right-handed people live, on average, nine years PIU' long-handers. (If you're ambidextrous make a difference?)
An ant can 'lift 50 volteil its weight, can' drag 30 thirty times the suopeso and 'always falls to the right if intoxicated. (by drinking a bottle of ...?)( But taxpayers are charged fees for sovvenzionarequesto kind of research?)
Polar bears are left handed. (And who knows, and who cares? And how can they understand?)
A catfish has more 'than 27,000 taste buds. (But what there will be' of such 'tasty on the bottom of a pond?)
A flea can 'jump a distance of 350 voltela length of his body. It 's like a man potessesaltare from one end of a football field. (30 minutes ... but do you realize? And why' own pigs?)
A decapitated cockroach survives nine days before to die. (yuck)
The male praying mantis puo'accoppiarsi not until 'his head' attached to the body.
The female 'beginning all'accoppiamentodecapitando the male. (Baby, I'm home. What ...)( Well, at worst pigs possonoprendersi a break ...) Some lions
mate more 'than 50 times a day. (In my next life I still want to be ... unmaiale quality', not quantity ')
The butterflies feel the taste with their feet. (Oh, the sky) (E' even worse than catfish)
The ostrich's eye is 'more' of its large brain. (I know people well ')
Starfish have no brains. (I also know people well')
And after reading this, all that 'I have to say'.......
DAMN PIG !!!!!!!
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