Cara mamy today is Friday and every Friday ... how I miss you my day of rest should be rewarding and I am not saying that it is not, but how can I forget the fact that we had an appointment!? try to use my short time as best I can, but not always successful. My mind is constantly changing and I try to ... " BUILDING "miss you, but it's probably still too presto.Allora I say ... from that you can make it, and once the" lost "here, to navigate, I found an outlet in these blogs that I created . A little 'is not your fault, because before my life was different. No I do not want you to feel guilty ... it's just what I do when I want to talk, maybe you hear the phone even for a minute? This is My therapy ... are they crazy? Well you just a little bit ! Are talkative tonight!! So mamy hug you're always in my heart!

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