Letter to the kids who protest. Still on student dissent
Let me tell you, do not be overwhelmed by these poor policy, their is the lament of those who have no future, those who do not know what to do, who does not know what to say.
Theirs is the lament of those who have enthusiasm and think things are owed, theirs is the lament of someone who has traded the ideals for a handful of money.
Do not let your ideas are not polluted by these spreaders of compromise at all costs.
Your protest is right, clean.
will one day tell you to exchange it for a job, for a song.
will tell you to exchange it for the fame and success, will come with the pockets full of money to ask you to share what is most important to you, making you believe it's not worth anything.
will believe that day, and you guys have what could be more pleasant for a man, not power, not success, not fame, but the humility to be honest people, who believed all the way to their ideal and because of that, they can look straight in the eye. Do not mistake never the ideal for their dirty money, not worth it, do not exchange your eyes, your smiles, your dreams.
will one day and find the door closed, the door of your morals, your beliefs.
Then everything will make sense, all they have opposed, all they have de-legitimized, all they have humiliated resume form and vigor.
Never exchange your dreams with those who do not have it because blinded by power.
Contrastateli to the end, not with violence but with the look, with a smile, with the strength of one who knows that the future is his, his only and is not and never will be willing to exchange it for anything.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Programvara Smart St Till Navman Icn520
was winter and the wind blew the steppe. Cold had the baby in the cave on the slope of the hill. The breath of ox warmed him. Pets were in the cave. On a warm cradle wandered steam. From the cliffs looked sleepy shepherds spaces midnight. And beside them, unknown before, a more modest wick the window of a hut, trembling a star on the road to Bethlehem. |
Any Messages In A Christening Card
Awards nettapipe on the tip of a pencil, and wrap.
Once extract the pencil from the spiral. Note the spiral from both sides and slightly allungala.
I used five spirals for each bow.
League then nettapipe together with a ribbon, in the center. Tie the ribbon, and hang your snowflake.
Awards nettapipe on the tip of a pencil, and wrap.
Once extract the pencil from the spiral. Note the spiral from both sides and slightly allungala.
I used five spirals for each bow.
League then nettapipe together with a ribbon, in the center. Tie the ribbon, and hang your snowflake.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
What's The Best Software To Make Invitations
They make good students
They are right to be angry, to challenge, to fight, to claim their rights.
They do not feel good to be recognized by politicians from overwork, without any democratic legitimacy, the children of an electoral law shameful that despite everything you fail, you do not want to change.
They are right, after years of struggle and democratic debate, to get angry. In years past, nobody wanted to listen to them, yet they tried in every way to speak, and received a response as a reform that takes no account of their needs. Every reform
however, must take into account the needs of the class that suffers cuts, its doubts, its proposals, following a democratic path. This hand, and 'the government of the cuts, which gloat like saying "we do not put your hands in the pockets of people," forgetting that, however skillfully' you put your hands in dreams, desires, expectations of children, depriving them of the that they are more 'at heart, the future.
A generation without future, therefore, that protest because the political class, that has absolutely no capacity 'vision, affected what it' congenital myopia, only manages to focus her work on problems in the short term.
The boys complain that we want to understand what is happening and of course expect comprehensive answers. What the answer instead? Nothing, evasive answers.
The attitude taken by the Russian Minister last night on television, and 'a clear example of a mental attitude thousand light years away from the issues that are on the table.
The boys tried to make it clear that they do not feel represented by this political class, which plays daily on the left-right, without facing the slightest problem they put on the table. And
instead they were attacked by several 'fronts by caryatids of newspeak that were systematically compared with the protests of the seventies.
Compared to this time there is absolutely nothing to bind them, except with a short-sighted and superficial clashes.
It 's like because of the deaths that are the common denominator, you could make comparisons between the Punic War and World War II.
should instead make it clear that this political class, from any side you look, and 'objectively unprepared to deal with this and that' an issue that requires a capacity related to 'vision.
Young people rightly see life as the future and therefore already ' know that the mistakes of today's policy will fall on them in the next ten to fifteen years and will therefore be fatal for them.
They are afraid that they are not adequately prepared to face contacts. And 'as Hans Jonas said in the "principle of responsibility," we must learn to understand that the times we live lead us to change the approach to the problem of time. An action carried out today may not manifest the effects immediately, now, as we used to, but between 20 to 30 years.
E 'this is the real challenge that and' called upon to answer the policy today, the theme of which is totally deaf, distracted. Other than the third pole, the boys ask, suggest a new mindset, which makes the approach a vision of starting points.
No one who is able to put yourself in their shoes and understand that they are the ones that will have to pay in terms of uncertainties and other errors and misdeeds of others.
is they who must pay the deficit created by this society that is incapable, it is they who should pay for the lack of preparation that our school generates, it is they who must pay the price for inclusion in a collapsing world of work, are They have to pay their lack of competitiveness of the system we created.
It's easy to judge when others are at risk. Without disturbing the Ricucci famous phrase: "I know 'to all bbona ago' fags ass cor de 'jartri", pero', paradoxically and 'this is what is happening.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What Do I Write For Desired Pay?
disorders of Rome
The strange face of disorder
seems strange, these disorders, as they wanted, they were waiting impatiently, as if to remember the old futuristic thinking, where he was convinced that the revolution and the war purify to erase the misdeeds.
A day of madness, where the mass together with the student dissidents of different origins came together to protest.
You could feel that she would one day like others, let him foresee the huge show of force by the police force ready to deal with the misconduct, but as it was possible that could to be no excesses?
as quiet as it was possible to assess such a situation, where there are real and objective social friction with consequent impoverishment of the middle class and who 'was always the one that has driven the demand and consequently consumption?
E 'were orchestrated by a political skill' which brought together the discontented, but you are not 'scheduled to be desperate. The latter are unpredictable, someone speaks of professionals of violence, stealth, in my humble opinion there are pockets of marginalized, desperate, and that we are 'forgotten, or at least pretend with ease'.
are legions of people who have lost their jobs, which do not have any cushion, and this could be said, who can not make ends meet and look especially the political class as a caste of lobbyists, with full rights of any duty.
E 'this is the real crisis, that of those who have nothing to lose, which have been used for years to live a calm and apparent that soon, or perhaps their time' already arrived, do not earn more and see the drift closer social.
discontent fomenting a revolution, I think it is not necessary to consult the old text of sociology "psychology of the masses" of Gustav Le Bon, to realize that the crowd and 'headless and that any decision is taken by it, has no answer From a logical point. I say this because I read in the press of moves strategic reasons, wanted, meditate. The crowd can not be interpreted as a conscious party, but what worries me, and 'that in certain contexts, applying the theory to the case of the French sociologist, even the police would lose their clarity' and would act affected by the tragic psychology of mass madness. The revolution, then to those suits? Who benefits from these situations catastrophic in terms of social cohesion? Who's that benefit that the square is raised not only in Rome, but in London and other places around the planet? Certainly the difficult situation of our country, marked by a crisis that seems to be unstoppable and that it 'mitigated only by the great ability ', now just a memory, families to balance the budget and save, it is getting increasingly complex.
How long will the savings of households and who ensures that the policy of certain banking groups do not squander your life savings? Who is 'able to ensure that the worst and' past and who might be able to believe in certain stories?
Truth 'and' we are in it up to the neck, and no one 'mega immune from this revolution began when a lazy schoolboy named Bill Gates put his hands on the idea of \u200b\u200bputting a computer in every home and then later allow the link in a mega global network.
are worlds, completely different cultures that are compared and fight, but students lazy and criminals, are fighting over, no holds barred, and it 'now that someone has the courage to say that we are at war, a war seemingly bloodless, but that ultimately sowing the corpses anywhere in the world.
But then war is this? A global conflict that compares the different cultural roots that can not adapt to the speed set by events and trying to resist in vain. What is serious cross lobbies economic power hidden, uncontrollable and undeniable advantage of the moment of instability for unprecedented economic maneuvering.
The world is changing, it is not possible relations between the square who showed in the 70's and today, only old minds, accustomed to post-war political tactics and schemes can overcome similiconfronti.
The young rebel, because they see that there is no longer a certainty, because they see us adults no longer be an example to them, because they see the rampant malpractice, because what we have received from our predecessors in terms of environment and quality of life is been squandered with impunity, because they see an arrogance on the part of the policy that has no limit, because you do not feel represented.
Today too many people complain, to anger over the incident, but no one says that these guys have in recent years called for more attention silently without any violent confrontation, called for serious reform, and was denied, asked for an opportunity to have a future and you ignore it.
The political forces should not only be ashamed, to ask why certain things happen, because this discontent is spreading across the world, and instead of inventing fiction plots international strategies should think that perhaps the real cause of all is their total inability.
How will 'really hard to say, what matters and' it is clear that nothing will 'as before, we must convince ourselves and get used to struggle to survive and these guys have to explain that we did we go wrong and unfortunately it's their turn to roll up our sleeves to build a truly better future.
The strange face of disorder
seems strange, these disorders, as they wanted, they were waiting impatiently, as if to remember the old futuristic thinking, where he was convinced that the revolution and the war purify to erase the misdeeds.
A day of madness, where the mass together with the student dissidents of different origins came together to protest.
You could feel that she would one day like others, let him foresee the huge show of force by the police force ready to deal with the misconduct, but as it was possible that could to be no excesses?
as quiet as it was possible to assess such a situation, where there are real and objective social friction with consequent impoverishment of the middle class and who 'was always the one that has driven the demand and consequently consumption?
E 'were orchestrated by a political skill' which brought together the discontented, but you are not 'scheduled to be desperate. The latter are unpredictable, someone speaks of professionals of violence, stealth, in my humble opinion there are pockets of marginalized, desperate, and that we are 'forgotten, or at least pretend with ease'.
are legions of people who have lost their jobs, which do not have any cushion, and this could be said, who can not make ends meet and look especially the political class as a caste of lobbyists, with full rights of any duty.
E 'this is the real crisis, that of those who have nothing to lose, which have been used for years to live a calm and apparent that soon, or perhaps their time' already arrived, do not earn more and see the drift closer social.
discontent fomenting a revolution, I think it is not necessary to consult the old text of sociology "psychology of the masses" of Gustav Le Bon, to realize that the crowd and 'headless and that any decision is taken by it, has no answer From a logical point. I say this because I read in the press of moves strategic reasons, wanted, meditate. The crowd can not be interpreted as a conscious party, but what worries me, and 'that in certain contexts, applying the theory to the case of the French sociologist, even the police would lose their clarity' and would act affected by the tragic psychology of mass madness. The revolution, then to those suits? Who benefits from these situations catastrophic in terms of social cohesion? Who's that benefit that the square is raised not only in Rome, but in London and other places around the planet? Certainly the difficult situation of our country, marked by a crisis that seems to be unstoppable and that it 'mitigated only by the great ability ', now just a memory, families to balance the budget and save, it is getting increasingly complex.
How long will the savings of households and who ensures that the policy of certain banking groups do not squander your life savings? Who is 'able to ensure that the worst and' past and who might be able to believe in certain stories?
Truth 'and' we are in it up to the neck, and no one 'mega immune from this revolution began when a lazy schoolboy named Bill Gates put his hands on the idea of \u200b\u200bputting a computer in every home and then later allow the link in a mega global network.
are worlds, completely different cultures that are compared and fight, but students lazy and criminals, are fighting over, no holds barred, and it 'now that someone has the courage to say that we are at war, a war seemingly bloodless, but that ultimately sowing the corpses anywhere in the world.
But then war is this? A global conflict that compares the different cultural roots that can not adapt to the speed set by events and trying to resist in vain. What is serious cross lobbies economic power hidden, uncontrollable and undeniable advantage of the moment of instability for unprecedented economic maneuvering.
The world is changing, it is not possible relations between the square who showed in the 70's and today, only old minds, accustomed to post-war political tactics and schemes can overcome similiconfronti.
The young rebel, because they see that there is no longer a certainty, because they see us adults no longer be an example to them, because they see the rampant malpractice, because what we have received from our predecessors in terms of environment and quality of life is been squandered with impunity, because they see an arrogance on the part of the policy that has no limit, because you do not feel represented.
Today too many people complain, to anger over the incident, but no one says that these guys have in recent years called for more attention silently without any violent confrontation, called for serious reform, and was denied, asked for an opportunity to have a future and you ignore it.
The political forces should not only be ashamed, to ask why certain things happen, because this discontent is spreading across the world, and instead of inventing fiction plots international strategies should think that perhaps the real cause of all is their total inability.
How will 'really hard to say, what matters and' it is clear that nothing will 'as before, we must convince ourselves and get used to struggle to survive and these guys have to explain that we did we go wrong and unfortunately it's their turn to roll up our sleeves to build a truly better future.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
How Do Gamma Camera Work
today will not be 'a good day
Today in Rome, and 'a beautiful sunny day, where the cold is especially felt, but apart from the cold are the voices of hundreds, thousands of people to be heard.
The protest is raising high, against those who pretend not to hear, against those who believe that Italians are a bunch of idiots ready to believe all the stories, even the most absurd.
the end I do not think that this government has done everything badly, in fact, I think he tried to fix some things, resisting, unperturbed by more than fifty years, the lobbies, caste, corporatism. In the name of this struggle against those who want that our country remains backward in the name of their privileges, we had to endure the harassment of a trader's confused state, with its own company, claiming that the seat of government is his home, that no longer distinguishes the collective moral one connected with their own interests.
One nation, Italy, our nation loses daily power with respect to the countries most suited to development, and who have made their culture and research crucial.
Our country, ignoring the vital importance of school, education, artistic talent, cultural heritage, environment, and it 'entered a maze, full of concepts related to only a facade of pseudo development, see the nuclear waste policy in Campania, etc. Tav. A series of pseudo programs in defending parliamentarians who do not represent anyone but the personal interests and lobbies that have allowed them to be elected. We
hidden dust and dirt under the rug, hoping no one would notice, but the dirt and 'too much, and not' hide it as much as possible.
Berlusconi in parliament today will face before the opposition, with himself, with his arrogance, with its superficiality, 'but that' does not make me rejoice, are not the protests, but the consciousness of who knows that there is no credible alternative. Not enough to send home a bad administrator, to claim victory, we need to identify a suitable replacement.
The chronicles speak of Tremonti, the Dragons, even Alfano, all are fine and are better than the current prime minister for the crowd ready to ride the protest. But unfortunately it is not '. It is necessary that the political forces are able to do a proper analysis and begin to draw up programs to highlight a new ruling class completely decoupled from the transverse power in Italy today governs real.
E 'here and' fallen Berlusconi, in being overvalued, in being sure that I can fight the dark power that rules the nation optimism, with the beat, with the sole desire to do.
Its Members, for almost all persons deprived of their personalities are in disarray, incapable of any action that is not dictated from above, waiting for orders.
Today will be 'a tough day for Italian politics, for both their fathers are men or women, will be' a tough day for those who have conscience and for those who wish to create an alternative future really will be 'hard to those that arrive later this month, because in every case, however things go, not 'changing the main player that changes the plot of the story. This should be changed from scratch, paying more attention to the real needs of people, how the world evolves, not the personal quarrels of individuals.
However things go, everything will remain 'unchanged, there will be no losers, no winners. Will remain at the end of the usual bitterness of being a step but a step away from what?
Today in Rome, and 'a beautiful sunny day, where the cold is especially felt, but apart from the cold are the voices of hundreds, thousands of people to be heard.
The protest is raising high, against those who pretend not to hear, against those who believe that Italians are a bunch of idiots ready to believe all the stories, even the most absurd.
the end I do not think that this government has done everything badly, in fact, I think he tried to fix some things, resisting, unperturbed by more than fifty years, the lobbies, caste, corporatism. In the name of this struggle against those who want that our country remains backward in the name of their privileges, we had to endure the harassment of a trader's confused state, with its own company, claiming that the seat of government is his home, that no longer distinguishes the collective moral one connected with their own interests.
One nation, Italy, our nation loses daily power with respect to the countries most suited to development, and who have made their culture and research crucial.
Our country, ignoring the vital importance of school, education, artistic talent, cultural heritage, environment, and it 'entered a maze, full of concepts related to only a facade of pseudo development, see the nuclear waste policy in Campania, etc. Tav. A series of pseudo programs in defending parliamentarians who do not represent anyone but the personal interests and lobbies that have allowed them to be elected. We
hidden dust and dirt under the rug, hoping no one would notice, but the dirt and 'too much, and not' hide it as much as possible.
Berlusconi in parliament today will face before the opposition, with himself, with his arrogance, with its superficiality, 'but that' does not make me rejoice, are not the protests, but the consciousness of who knows that there is no credible alternative. Not enough to send home a bad administrator, to claim victory, we need to identify a suitable replacement.
The chronicles speak of Tremonti, the Dragons, even Alfano, all are fine and are better than the current prime minister for the crowd ready to ride the protest. But unfortunately it is not '. It is necessary that the political forces are able to do a proper analysis and begin to draw up programs to highlight a new ruling class completely decoupled from the transverse power in Italy today governs real.
E 'here and' fallen Berlusconi, in being overvalued, in being sure that I can fight the dark power that rules the nation optimism, with the beat, with the sole desire to do.
Its Members, for almost all persons deprived of their personalities are in disarray, incapable of any action that is not dictated from above, waiting for orders.
Today will be 'a tough day for Italian politics, for both their fathers are men or women, will be' a tough day for those who have conscience and for those who wish to create an alternative future really will be 'hard to those that arrive later this month, because in every case, however things go, not 'changing the main player that changes the plot of the story. This should be changed from scratch, paying more attention to the real needs of people, how the world evolves, not the personal quarrels of individuals.
However things go, everything will remain 'unchanged, there will be no losers, no winners. Will remain at the end of the usual bitterness of being a step but a step away from what?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Connecting An Extra Fan To Xbox 360
A pacifier to Santa
This year's letter to Santa Claus was created with the technique of collage.
Now that Su is the older I borrowed the idea of \u200b\u200ba beautiful mother of the blog (but do not remember who, tell me if you recognize the idea that I mention the source!), The 'idea is in crop Toy figures from magazines.
few days before we went for a ride in a shopping center, to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat were the prices, and what were the real wishes of the children.
Glo said that the return had clear ideas, a bit on ... 'something like this started Dear Santa ... oio quiet, quiet, and quiet! He clipped newspaper half!
In letter to Santa Claus, we have added one important thing ... the Sucker !!!... to give to poor children.
The psychological preparation began a few days before, and they were not absolutely convinced of abandoning their pacifier relaxing.
Glo Well I say five years to have a pacifier. Two had lost this habit, then came the little sister and a pacifier comforter has returned.
So I decided not to remove it by force, lying, etc., etc., I wanted it to be his decision.
I realize that I gave it a habit, I decided to give her the pacifier, and I know what it means.
Glo I just breastfed, 4-5 months, and the bottle and pacifier fulfill this lack.
If I remember correctly breastfeeding is called primary circular reaction, while all the vices that involve the mouth (pacifier, Bibe, cigarettes, chewing pencils, etc.) are called secondary circular reaction, because they reproduce the oral pleasure.
Now ... from mom Paturnie which are (sometimes), I want to create them is precisely this trauma?
I have already made a lot of mistakes, but this "trauma" If you can avoid ... better!
so doing, I like the idea that it is her strong and capable of deciding what is right.
with up and a bit 'hard during the day put the pacifier in the bag but at night he wants it ... I do not know what to do ... ... to stall the whole concern??
Did you know that my dummy me took away the old lady in the middle of August??
's where my trauma!
Hahahaha ... and you have suffered the trauma of the pacifier??
This year's letter to Santa Claus was created with the technique of collage.
Now that Su is the older I borrowed the idea of \u200b\u200ba beautiful mother of the blog (but do not remember who, tell me if you recognize the idea that I mention the source!), The 'idea is in crop Toy figures from magazines.
few days before we went for a ride in a shopping center, to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat were the prices, and what were the real wishes of the children.
Glo said that the return had clear ideas, a bit on ... 'something like this started Dear Santa ... oio quiet, quiet, and quiet! He clipped newspaper half!
In letter to Santa Claus, we have added one important thing ... the Sucker !!!... to give to poor children.

The psychological preparation began a few days before, and they were not absolutely convinced of abandoning their pacifier relaxing.
Glo Well I say five years to have a pacifier. Two had lost this habit, then came the little sister and a pacifier comforter has returned.
So I decided not to remove it by force, lying, etc., etc., I wanted it to be his decision.
I realize that I gave it a habit, I decided to give her the pacifier, and I know what it means.
Glo I just breastfed, 4-5 months, and the bottle and pacifier fulfill this lack.
If I remember correctly breastfeeding is called primary circular reaction, while all the vices that involve the mouth (pacifier, Bibe, cigarettes, chewing pencils, etc.) are called secondary circular reaction, because they reproduce the oral pleasure.
Now ... from mom Paturnie which are (sometimes), I want to create them is precisely this trauma?
I have already made a lot of mistakes, but this "trauma" If you can avoid ... better!
so doing, I like the idea that it is her strong and capable of deciding what is right.
with up and a bit 'hard during the day put the pacifier in the bag but at night he wants it ... I do not know what to do ... ... to stall the whole concern??
Did you know that my dummy me took away the old lady in the middle of August??
's where my trauma!
Hahahaha ... and you have suffered the trauma of the pacifier??
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hawaiian Phrases Translator
Oranges scented
echoes the theme of tradition.
today with my girls I wanted to focus smell.
There are different types of memories, one of them is the olfactory memory.
How many times a scent brings us back to the past?
So what I am presenting today is for me an "activity", which I created when I was little.
The game is simple, they are left available to children some cloves, and slowly have to thread it through the orange peel.
I have not given guidance on how or what to do, I let the girls free to interpret ... and, in fact, Glo has made me laugh, because like all children have suffered the animated orange (animism).
If you want you can wrap an orange with a satin ribbon, secure it with pins and hang them.
You have already made your orange with the cloves?
My house is super fragrant!
today with my girls I wanted to focus smell.
There are different types of memories, one of them is the olfactory memory.
How many times a scent brings us back to the past?
So what I am presenting today is for me an "activity", which I created when I was little.
The game is simple, they are left available to children some cloves, and slowly have to thread it through the orange peel.
I have not given guidance on how or what to do, I let the girls free to interpret ... and, in fact, Glo has made me laugh, because like all children have suffered the animated orange (animism).
You have already made your orange with the cloves?
My house is super fragrant!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dementia Maniado Both Oblivion
Hello Mom
that nostalgia ... how I miss you I
in everything
I feel you in my every thought
try to understand ... what do I do?
Can you help?
Send me a sign, a signal
not know what to do ....
that much confusion in my head I
so sensible, so ....
serious, so .... great ..
I feel the void the void inside me
try to close it ...
but can not find anything .... I'm cold cold
soul is worse than the snow is falling. That
melts ...
my frost remains ... ..
kiss mom ...
Resetting Bosch Exxcel Dishwasher
Snow crystals
Today my girls are on vacation.
So I wanted to take with them a simple and ancient game of the crop.
A simple folded paper and cut it into a snowflake, like every snowflake and no crop will be the same.
... Let us go back to the ancient traditions for our children are always new things!
Fold the sheet and form a triangle, the part you cut off the excess.
will come out a square.
From this square you will have to fall back again in a smaller triangle.
In all three sides of the triangle formed of small cutouts in the shapes you want, triangles, semicircles, etc..
As you can see from the picture some papers are written by hand, cut-outs are fine, do not throw anything away!
small And you, how many snowflakes you created?
So I wanted to take with them a simple and ancient game of the crop.
A simple folded paper and cut it into a snowflake, like every snowflake and no crop will be the same.
... Let us go back to the ancient traditions for our children are always new things!
Fold the sheet and form a triangle, the part you cut off the excess.
will come out a square.
From this square you will have to fall back again in a smaller triangle.
In all three sides of the triangle formed of small cutouts in the shapes you want, triangles, semicircles, etc..
The production was great!
As you can see from the picture some papers are written by hand, cut-outs are fine, do not throw anything away!
small And you, how many snowflakes you created?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Leather Suite Cushion Filling
The angel and Santa Claus Hare 24 stories
This book I consider my calendar Advent, there are little doors to open or surprised to find, but just short stories to tell.
are twenty-four authors of this book, among the most 'popular literature for children, along with Santa and Angel Hare, will lead the child in search of a Christmas present more' beautiful.
This book is suitable for children who have already 'made from 5 to 6 years, the illustrations are fabulous and will like' a lot even the most 'children.
And as Santa says Hare, " a good story never fails"
The author is Brigitte Weninger, Nor South Books
This book I consider my calendar Advent, there are little doors to open or surprised to find, but just short stories to tell.
are twenty-four authors of this book, among the most 'popular literature for children, along with Santa and Angel Hare, will lead the child in search of a Christmas present more' beautiful.
This book is suitable for children who have already 'made from 5 to 6 years, the illustrations are fabulous and will like' a lot even the most 'children.
And as Santa says Hare, " a good story never fails"
The author is Brigitte Weninger, Nor South Books
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