Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hawaiian Phrases Translator

Oranges scented

echoes the theme of tradition.
today with my girls I wanted to focus smell.
There are different types of memories, one of them is the olfactory memory.
How many times a scent brings us back to the past?

So what I am presenting today is for me an "activity", which I created when I was little.

The game is simple, they are left available to children some cloves, and slowly have to thread it through the orange peel.

I have not given guidance on how or what to do, I let the girls free to interpret ... and, in fact, Glo has made me laugh, because like all children have suffered the animated orange (animism).

If you want you can wrap an orange with a satin ribbon, secure it with pins and hang them.
You have already made your orange with the cloves?

My house is super fragrant!


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