This year's letter to Santa Claus was created with the technique of collage.
Now that Su is the older I borrowed the idea of \u200b\u200ba beautiful mother of the blog (but do not remember who, tell me if you recognize the idea that I mention the source!), The 'idea is in crop Toy figures from magazines.
few days before we went for a ride in a shopping center, to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat were the prices, and what were the real wishes of the children.
Glo said that the return had clear ideas, a bit on ... 'something like this started Dear Santa ... oio quiet, quiet, and quiet! He clipped newspaper half!
In letter to Santa Claus, we have added one important thing ... the Sucker !!!... to give to poor children.

The psychological preparation began a few days before, and they were not absolutely convinced of abandoning their pacifier relaxing.
Glo Well I say five years to have a pacifier. Two had lost this habit, then came the little sister and a pacifier comforter has returned.
So I decided not to remove it by force, lying, etc., etc., I wanted it to be his decision.
I realize that I gave it a habit, I decided to give her the pacifier, and I know what it means.
Glo I just breastfed, 4-5 months, and the bottle and pacifier fulfill this lack.
If I remember correctly breastfeeding is called primary circular reaction, while all the vices that involve the mouth (pacifier, Bibe, cigarettes, chewing pencils, etc.) are called secondary circular reaction, because they reproduce the oral pleasure.
Now ... from mom Paturnie which are (sometimes), I want to create them is precisely this trauma?
I have already made a lot of mistakes, but this "trauma" If you can avoid ... better!
so doing, I like the idea that it is her strong and capable of deciding what is right.
with up and a bit 'hard during the day put the pacifier in the bag but at night he wants it ... I do not know what to do ... ... to stall the whole concern??
Did you know that my dummy me took away the old lady in the middle of August??
's where my trauma!
Hahahaha ... and you have suffered the trauma of the pacifier??
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