disorders of Rome
The strange face of disorder
seems strange, these disorders, as they wanted, they were waiting impatiently, as if to remember the old futuristic thinking, where he was convinced that the revolution and the war purify to erase the misdeeds.
A day of madness, where the mass together with the student dissidents of different origins came together to protest.
You could feel that she would one day like others, let him foresee the huge show of force by the police force ready to deal with the misconduct, but as it was possible that could to be no excesses?
as quiet as it was possible to assess such a situation, where there are real and objective social friction with consequent impoverishment of the middle class and who 'was always the one that has driven the demand and consequently consumption?
E 'were orchestrated by a political skill' which brought together the discontented, but you are not 'scheduled to be desperate. The latter are unpredictable, someone speaks of professionals of violence, stealth, in my humble opinion there are pockets of marginalized, desperate, and that we are 'forgotten, or at least pretend with ease'.
are legions of people who have lost their jobs, which do not have any cushion, and this could be said, who can not make ends meet and look especially the political class as a caste of lobbyists, with full rights of any duty.
E 'this is the real crisis, that of those who have nothing to lose, which have been used for years to live a calm and apparent that soon, or perhaps their time' already arrived, do not earn more and see the drift closer social.
discontent fomenting a revolution, I think it is not necessary to consult the old text of sociology "psychology of the masses" of Gustav Le Bon, to realize that the crowd and 'headless and that any decision is taken by it, has no answer From a logical point. I say this because I read in the press of moves strategic reasons, wanted, meditate. The crowd can not be interpreted as a conscious party, but what worries me, and 'that in certain contexts, applying the theory to the case of the French sociologist, even the police would lose their clarity' and would act affected by the tragic psychology of mass madness. The revolution, then to those suits? Who benefits from these situations catastrophic in terms of social cohesion? Who's that benefit that the square is raised not only in Rome, but in London and other places around the planet? Certainly the difficult situation of our country, marked by a crisis that seems to be unstoppable and that it 'mitigated only by the great ability ', now just a memory, families to balance the budget and save, it is getting increasingly complex.
How long will the savings of households and who ensures that the policy of certain banking groups do not squander your life savings? Who is 'able to ensure that the worst and' past and who might be able to believe in certain stories?
Truth 'and' we are in it up to the neck, and no one 'mega immune from this revolution began when a lazy schoolboy named Bill Gates put his hands on the idea of \u200b\u200bputting a computer in every home and then later allow the link in a mega global network.
are worlds, completely different cultures that are compared and fight, but students lazy and criminals, are fighting over, no holds barred, and it 'now that someone has the courage to say that we are at war, a war seemingly bloodless, but that ultimately sowing the corpses anywhere in the world.
But then war is this? A global conflict that compares the different cultural roots that can not adapt to the speed set by events and trying to resist in vain. What is serious cross lobbies economic power hidden, uncontrollable and undeniable advantage of the moment of instability for unprecedented economic maneuvering.
The world is changing, it is not possible relations between the square who showed in the 70's and today, only old minds, accustomed to post-war political tactics and schemes can overcome similiconfronti.
The young rebel, because they see that there is no longer a certainty, because they see us adults no longer be an example to them, because they see the rampant malpractice, because what we have received from our predecessors in terms of environment and quality of life is been squandered with impunity, because they see an arrogance on the part of the policy that has no limit, because you do not feel represented.
Today too many people complain, to anger over the incident, but no one says that these guys have in recent years called for more attention silently without any violent confrontation, called for serious reform, and was denied, asked for an opportunity to have a future and you ignore it.
The political forces should not only be ashamed, to ask why certain things happen, because this discontent is spreading across the world, and instead of inventing fiction plots international strategies should think that perhaps the real cause of all is their total inability.
How will 'really hard to say, what matters and' it is clear that nothing will 'as before, we must convince ourselves and get used to struggle to survive and these guys have to explain that we did we go wrong and unfortunately it's their turn to roll up our sleeves to build a truly better future.
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