Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Revolution Speed Facemask In The Nfl

Letter to the kids who protest. Still on student dissent

Let me tell you, do not be overwhelmed by these poor policy, their is the lament of those who have no future, those who do not know what to do, who does not know what to say.
Theirs is the lament of those who have enthusiasm and think things are owed, theirs is the lament of someone who has traded the ideals for a handful of money.
Do not let your ideas are not polluted by these spreaders of compromise at all costs.
Your protest is right, clean.
will one day tell you to exchange it for a job, for a song.
will tell you to exchange it for the fame and success, will come with the pockets full of money to ask you to share what is most important to you, making you believe it's not worth anything.
will believe that day, and you guys have what could be more pleasant for a man, not power, not success, not fame, but the humility to be honest people, who believed all the way to their ideal and because of that, they can look straight in the eye. Do not mistake never the ideal for their dirty money, not worth it, do not exchange your eyes, your smiles, your dreams.
will one day and find the door closed, the door of your morals, your beliefs.
Then everything will make sense, all they have opposed, all they have de-legitimized, all they have humiliated resume form and vigor.
Never exchange your dreams with those who do not have it because blinded by power.
Contrastateli to the end, not with violence but with the look, with a smile, with the strength of one who knows that the future is his, his only and is not and never will be willing to exchange it for anything.


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