Friday, February 11, 2011

Cracckare Windowblinds 7

This year I feel especially hearts. Valentine did not consider it more a celebration for only love, but lovers in general. I love my family, fell in love with life, my work, and the wonderful people that attend.

... I love the smell of cakes ... Almost every week, it produces a. I prefer to snack cakes to offer to my daughters simple and genuine. Like this. Some afternoons a week, come to visit the Glo girlfriends, or have friends to dinner and a homemade cake, not hardly ever miss.

3 cups of flour "00"

1 cup sugar 1 cup oil 1 cup milk

2 eggs 1 tablespoon baking
a pinch of salt

Amalga all ingredients together.
Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Simple no?


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