Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Homemade Rabbit Distress Call

Hello Mom

are now 21 months
sometimes seems like a nightmare .... I think .... in a while 'I wake
.... Then I wake you, but maybe it was better if I was sleeping.
There are days when I can think you're right there where you are, you're watching me
that you are at peace and then to soothe me. Sometimes, however, do not know why (you know why) but I take
uncontrollable anger, I think that is unfair, I think it's useless ....

... I think that everything has a logical thread, nothing happens by chance
, so why is it so hard?
I know that here we know we have to step
search to live as best we can
.. but sometimes I just do not want
I would drop everything, but I am a coward
her ... and then there's the little brat ...
apologizes Mom ... today is a bad day.
Tomorrow is another day without you ... ...
leave you a rose
do not know if you liked the white roses
(you do not have in your garden)
maybe not .... Well it is beautiful is not it?
Mother Night ... kiss


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