Tuesday, February 22, 2011

White Bump On Pelvis Head

A cloud rose from a cloth apron with magnet

If there is one thing that "envy" at Clerici, is his apron cow. As I like! Turning
between the shelves of a shop, I saw two cloths with black spots. 1 +1 =

apron for my little girls! The cost was really ridiculous, and even if my attempt to needle and thread, had failed, I would have spent little.

Now I present the simplest model.

It folds in half the fabric, the length.

Cut the part of the sleeve.

I instead of basting (which I hate) and then bend the fabric board, (note the cover, the cow!)

Then just sew the edges of the shoulders.

connection with two dots the two black satin ribbons, and here's a simple fact but comfortable apron.

They start the housework, so dear and recommended by Montessori.


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