Sunday, February 6, 2011

Walk Fit Vs Good Feet


gloves for children are like the odd socks ... always!

disappear mysteriously in some obscure, unknown corner of the house, a corner unknown to me.
It must be so because otherwise the odd socks, do not make sense to exist, ever expected to rejoin his fellow man.
But if the socks I still have not found a solution, for gloves YES!
Just a small point. Or better
4-5 dots, to unite with a ribbon two elements would otherwise be too independent, and rest assured that sooner or later one of them escapes. So instead
not ever leave me, forever linked by a colored ribbon.

Oh well by know, is not the best aesthetically, see four "hands" hanging, but for children ranging to kindergarten, and especially for those using the bus, I find the idea very practical.


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